General terms of use and Legal notices


Dear visitor of the website Please read carefully the text below in order to understand how to use the website as well as how the information you provide is treated.


Using this website implies that you accept all the conditions set by the website If you do not agree to the following terms please do not use our website. Your continual use of the implies your acceptance of the terms bellow.


Any websites or site services, which, according to the law, reserved exclusively for adults may not be used by users whose age is below 18 years. The website is not responsible if, despite the above Directive, underage users voluntarily visit websites or make use of services which may be deemed unsuitable for them.


Attention. All content of the website provided to visitors for personal, noncommercial use.


In the web site may be reproduced content, available from the creators with creative commons licenses. About the content of the class, the terms of the creative commons license applied, determined by each author.


1.Collection of personal data


You may be asked to fill out information about your personal data, so you can contact us. The content of personal information is intended solely for the use of communication with you as well as your convenience. Any additional information you submit to us will be used for your best convenience. 


2.Use of your personal information


Your personal information will be used only to provide you with background information on our offers,  products and services. Also will be used to contact you in case you have requested from us to order an item.

Please do not hestitate to contact us regarding any mater relating to this privacy policy and your personal data on the following email or by contact form. 

You have the right to ask us to delete any information /  personal data are related to you any time.


3.Cookies policy


This website  uses cookies to deliver a better experience to use guests as well as the optimal personalization preferences according to their habits. Cookies help us to improve regularly the website and make visitors better navigation so you can easily find the information and content they want.

These are small text files that are stored in the visitor’s device (computer, tablet, mobile phone, etc.) and is a standardized method of recording guest preferences. If the visitor of the website does not wish the use of cookies, you have the ability to disable this feature from the browser settings (it depends of your browser personal settings). This action means that maybe some functions of the website will not function properly.

Using the site you consent to the use of cookies.

Which Cookies  we use

We use the necessary cookies for the improvement of the functionality of the web site

The cookies that are essential & functional are

EC-TEST ( remember from which kind of device the user is accessing the web site mobile or PC ) 

Type: essential

Expiration: one session

How can you Manage cookies

For Google chrome press here

For Firefox press here

For Microsoft IE press here

For Safari press here


4.Potential changes of the text, policies and/or of the personal data of the website .


The website reserves the right to modify and change the present text. In any case, the visitor is obliged to visit and to comply with these changes and give its consent.


5.Commercial signals and content.


The signals that appear on the website as well as the contents are registered and are property of site and its member  companies to cooperate. Copying, redistribution or republication of text content, news, graphics, photographs, diagrams, illustrations, services and generally any kind of file that is copyright protected and governed by national and international copyright law without the written consent of the administrators of the site

Additional products, services and content of third parties that may appear on the Website pages are the intellectual and industrial property of third parties who are responsible for the recovery of any claim from any violation of others’ rights, such as limited intellectual rights property and so on. The website disclaims any liability for the content of these websites.

The contents of provided exactly as presented without any warranty expressed or implied in any way on the marketability and suitability of the content for a particular purpose. No license or right to these trademarks, patents, trade secrets, technologies, products, processes and everything related to the rights of third parties whose beneficiary is the website or not third granted or allocated to users.

Additional content and information included in the constitute an offer to the visitor / user and the general community of Internet users and may in no case be construed as valid information and / or advice and/or conceal in any way any prompt to perform specific operations.

Furthermore, the website can in no way be held responsible for the origins, sources, validity, completeness, accuracy, objectivity, security of content contributed by users / members / subscribers (either by simple feedback either in the form of reviews and / or other content nature, imported) and generally the appropriateness and the absence of any errors and cannot be held responsible in the event that the above content infringing third parties and in any case the be liable for lost profits or other damages resulting random actions and choices of the visitors / users from the services provided to these services in accordance with these terms.


6.Links to other websites (web links)


This website uses links towards other websites. Please use extreme caution when using these links concerning the protection of personal information and cookies data. We assume no responsibility regarding the content and policies of external links. For any illegal, deficient contents, damage and other technical malfunctions resulting from the use of external links is responsible only the provider of such services (third parties).


7.Further user queries on website


If you have questions about the collection, processing and use of your personal data, please notify us via the contact form provided on the website.




This website strives to provide accurate information and updates to its guests. Possibly some information to provide inaccurate or typographical errors. We assume no responsibility for the correctness of these contents and have the right to change the contents without prior notice. The reference to products, businesses, attractions, specifications and other is for informational purposes only and is not part of our adoption and composition in use. Disclaim any liability for errors without restrictions or are incidental accidental damages, loss of profits, revenue, delays, lost communications through the Site, even if we have been warned in writing or verbally for them. Using the site you consent to all the aforesaid.


9.Law and jurisdiction


This web site information and content are subject to Greek law. For any dispute that may arise from this contract competent defined as the material of the Greek Athens courts. Should any provision of these terms is contrary to the law ceases to have effect without prejudice to the validity of all other terms and conditions above. All the above conditions and conditions constitute the entire agreement between site and the visitor – this user.

By continuing to use the site, you agree to the use of cookies. more information

The cookie settings on this website are set to "allow cookies" to give you the best browsing experience possible. If you continue to use this website without changing your cookie settings or you click "Accept" below then you are consenting to this.
